The Real Yoga

Jaiveer Singh

Senior Yoga Teacher and Pranayama Expert

Yoga Back to the Roots !

Yoga Pure – free from fashions and modern trends, oriented on the important Hatha Yoga scriptures and the Patanjali Yoga Sutras. Yogic practices are not a product of fantasy and preferences: they have their own precisely documented sources in authentic texts.

Yoga is not a “workout”, but it is a “Work in”! In my classes you can experience traditional Yoga in practice and philosophy.

Yoga is an ancient holistic wisdom, time tested for at least a couple of thousands of years, which has its origin in India. It is a practical and systematic discipline to unfold the human potential.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is the first step towards the synthesis of Yoga. It begins with the body and continues on to the Breath and Mental level. Final aim of all yogic practices is to have control over the mind and discovering oneself. It is an inner journey.


My Courses

  • Lola Quartiertreffpunkt St.Johann, Basel
    Fridays 12:15-13:45
  • Yoga Online (Zoom)
    Tuesdays 18:00-19:30
  • Pranayama Course, Online (on request). 
  • Kolpingsaal, Haltingen
    Thursdays 19:00-20:30 
  • Quadriceps Physiotherapie Center, Lörrach                              Fridays 16:00-17:30

About Me

I was born in India and through my family have been connected with Yoga since childhood. I received my Yoga training at the world-renowned Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute (Lonavla, India). Since 2006, I have been teaching Yoga as a full time profession. I am a member of Swiss Yoga Association and a Yoga Teacher recognized by the European Union.

I also teach at Yoga Teacher Training Courses in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. 

I also offer online Yoga sessions, courses in Pranayama ( one to one, and for small groups) and workshops on different aspects of Yoga.

The Language of instruction is German and English.

Email: [email protected]

Tel: +49 151 207 66 323

Gespräch mit Dr.Ralph Skuban

Reference Reading Material


Pranayama: Die heilende Kraft des Atems

Das Vorwort,für dieses besondere Buch zu schreiben, war für mich eine grosse Ehre.
  – Jaiveer Singh